Friday, August 28, 2009

~FasTing In RamaDHan~

assalammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh...

hehehe, today dah masok ari ker 9 all muslims were fasting..

n this ramadhan

would be the last ramadhan

that i will celebrated with my fren in UUM

xtually, many stories happen during this ramadhan

my frens include me, sab, ain, ain mazalam, zaty, iqa, moja n bugee in perwaja

ain mazalam buke with her frens..

maybe becoz die pon jarang mkn ngan kitorang be4 this..

moja plak buke ngan budak aras die..never mind la...

bugee mcm cipsmore, kdang ngan kitorang kadang ngan member simedarby die...

so, the left one are me,iqa, sab ain n zaty..

we always buy the food 4 berbuke together...

we cook rice each time when we want 2 berbuker..

so, just beli jer la lauk

sometimes we get expensive sometimes we get cheaper

after buke kitorang pon slt terawih at perwaja...

sometimes one of us xde coz duty lab..

but the things is we always be the first comer 4 there..


so, we solat dengan khusyuknyer la..

but sometims x khusyuk gak coz of imam la, x slese ngan diri la..hehehe

but thanks God becoz masih diberi kesempatan tok menunaikan solat terawih lagi..

takot gak andai next year we all x dpt nak slt lagi..

so scared when tihinking about that

after solat terawih we get our "moreh" n abiskan sise2 buke tadi..


sometimes perot dah full tapi still nak isi gak..

bese la nafsu manusia kan..

then wat asgmnt jap n continue plak tengok movie

pe2 ntah kan..


nak wat camne bile nak wat asgmnt mls jer.

tapi bile nak tengok movie laju jer..

then at 5 a.m we all get 2 sahur at my room as usually

n the person who are never miss are zaty

cian die, only me, sab n zaty jer yg slalu sahur samer..

bugee ngan ain sebelah bilik x mai pon

x tau la naper..

iqa plak ehem2 xleh la nak sahur lagi..

so, thats the story about our ramadhan...

nothings changes untill we go back 2 our hometown..

but sometimes we cook such as cucur, goreng kopok, sardin, roti telor..hehehe

after this we will seperated..

n don't know with whom we will get our next ramadhan..

huhu so sad...

hopefully that our puase di terima olehNYA

n banyak2 kan lah amalan yer...
