Saturday, October 10, 2009

~i'm DreaminG~

on 9 Oct 2009..
2.10 p.m..
hujan, sedap tido ni..
then, tarik selimut...
my dreaming start..
in my dream..
i hug my mom n my dad so tight..
then my mom say..
she loves me so much becoz i'm the only her daugter..
then i start 2 cry..
dont say like that la mak..huhuhu
i cry2...

bangun2 tido, airmate still ade kat pipi..
huhu, then hati gase x sedap ni...
msj my mom..
"salam..mak ngan ayah cihat x??"
no reply...
gisau ni, miskol plak..
senyap gak..
then x leh jadi ni..
kol la mak...
"salam mak, mak katne ni?"
nape? mak kat umah cik timah la...
"hehehe, yerker ok2..jap lagi akak kol balik"
alhamdulillah xde pape...

then my mak msj..
"nape kak"
"gisau la mak, ingatkan ade pe2 jadi, i tell her about my dream...
then my mom reply back..
"manje sgt la budak ni, mak xde pape kat cini..jgnla gisau.."
huhu...nasib baik...
but deep in to my heart..
i love both my mother n my father so much!!!!