Monday, December 7, 2009

~ReuniOn TMS~

before turu pantai tok breakfast..hehe

kat pantai PD with them..hehe

0n 5 disember 2009..
we had our reunion at PD...
sonok la gak coz gamai yg trun...
sape erk..
erm, girls : me, elissa, ayu, finas, yan, nisa, wanie, shazwani, amy, doyot, dzahirah, asu, izzati, andiya, farhana, n some more cannot remember their names..hehe
while laki plak cipoi, omar, shahril, mokhtar, farid, norazi, faisal, fuad ...
erm, having fun with them...
share our story together, spent time with them on the whole day..

jeles gak la tengok masing2 dah ade kerjaye sendiri...
but then ade gak yg still study likes me...
never mind la...
yg penting masing2 i can see have their own direction n their ways where they want 2 go...
mandi kat pantai..
paling seronok ayu ngan finas la, bukan main lagi..
hehe, i tak brape suke lat so thats why tak mandi sgt...
kalo air terjun confirm la berendam sampai lebam..hahaha...

here some picture that i had...
not so much kot..huhu..