Wednesday, March 24, 2010

~T to the I to the R to the E to the D~

day by day...
i'm getting so tired...
many things to do..
my work in koop, in lab, asgmnt...
life must be go on and i must be strong to face it...
eventhough i'm tired..
but demi untuk kegembiraanku...
aku rela...hehehe

never mind la, this is the time that i want to appreciate...
after this, i there is no more time to do those things again..huhuhu
i love all my fren here...
many things that i do with them...
laught, cry, tired, sad, busy, everythings together...
hanya tinggal bape hari jer tok bersame mereke..
after this, masing2 dah ade life masing2...
so, mase yg ade ni jer la nak hargai...

last tuesday my comey was died...
so sad..=(
before i'm going to lab that morning...
he ask me some food but then i said petang kang la i bagi...
balik2 lab i found him terdampar bawah tempat cuci kain..
mate penuh semut...
mulut ternganga..sedih sgt...
die dah pergi sebelum sempat i gave him food...
love him so much...
sometimes ade org lain pelik kenaper i nangis eventhought it only a cat...
but, sometimes i feel this creature of God can understand me...
nasib baik kat umah ade anak kucing baru..
pengganti comey la gaknyer kan...
semoge comey aman di sane n always pray for me...=(

what more to say???
asgmnt last is PSA under encik hadafi...
no specific guideline at all..
our report is = presentation...
if we see the report and attract to read it more and more...
meaning that our report is good...
but if we see from the 1st cover dah xde mood...
hmm, 2 maknenyer x bagus la...
huhuhu, really hope that this last asgmnt would be the best asgmnt that i ever had...
nak score kat final pon x tau la mcm mane, bukan faham sgt pon lect ngajar...
tido jer lebih,hehehehe

keje kat koop more exciting than keje lab..
maybe coz environment kot...
kawan2 pon best, jumpe plak yg sekepale mcm azie..hehehe
cume penat ckit la..
gune tenage 2 yg penat, but sometimes sambil wat keje gelak2...
xde la tension sgt kan...
merempit naik moto la, naik kete la, naik van la...
memeang excited sgt la..hehehe
mcm2 perkare yg dialami n mcm2 gosip plak la yg melande..
ade yg baik n ade gak yg x baik...
just dgr n amik mane yg patot tok didengar jer la..
yg x baik 2 jadikan sebagai sempadan supaye kite x kaco org lain n org lain x kaco kite kan..hehehehe

gase nak balik umah 2 memang ade...
but mase sgtla terhad, xde mase langsung...
i really miss my mom n my dad n my cats..hehehe
but, sabar2...
cian gak kat mak, gajin kol aku...
ari2 cite pasal kucing. hhehehe...
maklumlah sume family minat kucing except my father la...hehehe
after this, kalo my father buang my lovely cat lagi siapla...
merajuk ngan die, x nak ckp sebulan!!! huhuhuhu
cian baby dulu mane ntah die pergi...dah la sgt comey..huhuhu really miss him~~

sgt banyak membebel nmpknyer...
nak realese tension la...
xperla, asalkan aku bahagie...
nak jalan2 la, then nak jerit puas2!!!!